Personal Development
Very different.
Not better.
Just different.
99.5% different.
It’s just a statistic, but it’s important to me.
It’s a deep understanding of who I am.
It’s been a journey of radical Self-acceptance.
INFJ Myers Briggs Personality Type.
Introverted, so introverted.
Almost off the charts introverted.
Highly Sensitive Person.
My body processes dopamine differently.
That’s it.
My nervous system is highly reactive.
Loud noises create chaos in my system.
Violent images stay wit…
The pain of feeling misunderstood.
Why don’t you get me?
Maybe a better question to ask is why don’t I get myself?
I have been trying to get people to understand me my whole life.
To accept me for who I am.
I have tried to fit in so I feel understood.
I have sacrificed who I am.
I haven’t been true to my soul.
The truth is I haven’t understood myself.
I haven’t accepted who I am.
I have sacrificed myself to try to fit in with the crowd.
It hasn’t felt safe to be me.
I feel trapped an…
The Healing Journey
I was lost.
And now I am found.
I didn’t know what I didn’t know.
So many poor choices.
So much pain.
So much desperation.
It was buried deep down.
I journeyed for years carrying a deep burden in my soul.
Sadness pervaded my spirit.
The shadow.
The truth was slowly revealed.
Understanding came bit by bit.
Healing through tears.
The revelations that came.
It first tore me down.
Took me to my knees.
Slowly ever so slowly,
I started to wake up.
The deep cond…
Training My Mind
I have relentlessly trained my body through the years.
Being disciplined has always been a strength of mine.
Eating a vegan diet, it’s all good.
I simply made a choice one day to stop eating animal products.
That’s that.
Getting to the gym every day, no problem.
It’s just what I do.
But one area that has been an ongoing struggle for me is my thoughts.
I have heard this scripture before a thousand times.
“Be careful what you think because your thoughts run your life.” -Proverbs 4:23
I Am a Writer
I am a writer who struggles to write.
That isn’t true.
When I sit down to write, writing is easy.
The hard part is the actual sitting down.
I wonder why that is?
It’s fear of course.
Fear of rejection.
Fear of being vulnerable.
Fear of looking stupid.
Fear of what you will think of me.
Fear of unworthiness.
Is that enough fear?
I think so.
My ego is getting stripped away, slowly, ever so slowly.
I am called to write.
For me.
And then to share it.
Not because I need you to like i…
Have the Guts to Make Your Dreams Come True
Have you stopped dreaming in life? Have you given up on your hopes of making your dreams come true?
It takes guts and inner strength to make our dreams come true, especially when it seems impossible or feels like it’s too late for us.
There are many times in my life I have stopped dreaming and the result has been a loss of aliveness, feeling complacent and trapped in my own life. I call that living a life of quiet desperation.
“It’s the possibility of having a dream come true that makes life …
Just Persevere
I love to watch golf. It’s more than my love and passion for the game. It’s the individual stories behind everyone who plays. Every professional, amateur and weekend warrior has a story to tell.
We all have our reasons why we spend countless hours pursuing a game that challenges us to the core of our being. In the end, I have realized, it’s not even about golf.
Perseverance, Tenacity and Grit
It’s about believing in myself, never willing to give up on my greatness. It’s about perseverance, te…
The Formula for Freedom
What does it mean to live free?
Is there a formula for inner freedom?
A way of Being in the world.
A way to be true to my soul.
A simple formula to live my best, most fulfilling life.
Truth + Authenticity = Freedom
That’s it.
Seek my truth.
Seek my own wisdom.
Trust my own intuition.
Listen to that still small voice.
I am the master of my own life.
Yes, there can be guides along the way.
But, ultimately it’s up to me to find my own truth.
It’s up to me to live my truth.
On the pat…
Embrace Who I Am
I have tried to fit into the way I think the world wants me to be.
It has never worked once.
In my younger days I tried to be someone I wasn’t through heavy alcohol abuse.
It just about destroyed me.
I thought something was wrong with me.
Why don’t I fit in?
Walking into a crowded room with hundreds of different conversations brought me deep anxiety.
Being around too many people for too long drained my energy.
Loud environments are a lot to handle.
There is a strong sense that I don’t b…
It's Safe to Be Great
My greatest fear is standing out from the crowd.
Being different.
Not being accepted.
Not belonging anywhere.
You see, I have kept myself small to stay safe, to fit in.
I have shrunk back in my life time and time again.
The spotlight, no that isn’t for me.
It’s not safe to be great.
To put myself out there means the possibility of rejection.
It means I could be hurt.
But then the realization hits.
Who am I not to be great?
We all get to be great.
The world needs me to be great.