Qi Gong for Men

"Everything is energy, and that’s all there is to it." – Albert Einstein

The Essence of Energy

Albert Einstein's statement on energy is profound and straightforward. The entire universe, including our own bodies, is made up of energy.

The real question is: how adept are we at managing our internal energy and interacting with the external energy around us?

For a long time, I had no idea how to handle my own energy or how to deal with the energy of others, particularly toxic energy.

We aren’t taught this vital skill growing up, nor as adults. This gap in knowledge has led to many of the problems we face today.

Feeling Powerless Within

The common thread is that we feel powerless internally, which drives us to try and exert control over others—whether physically, mentally, emotionally, or spiritually. This harmful cycle has persisted far too long.

But there is a way out. We can learn to master our internal energy through the ancient practice of Qi Gong. I realize it’s a term unfamiliar to many in the Western world— I myself had no idea what Qi Gong was until a few years ago.

Empower Yourself

I’m committed to introducing men to this practice that fosters self-empowerment. My journey began after experiencing three major falls from my gravel bike. Qi Gong not only brought physical healing, but also mental, emotional, and spiritual transformation.

Qi means "energy," and Gong means "skill." Qi Gong is the skill of working with both internal and external energy. Developed by the Chinese over 4,000 years ago, it blends breath, movement, and awareness into a form of inner martial arts.

I became a Holden Certified Qi Gong Instructor so that I could share this transformative practice with others, especially men.

From Chaos to Control

Many men I speak with—and I’ve been there too—feel their energy is out of control. Whether it's stress, anxiety, regret, or the constant attempt to fill an inner emptiness, it often leads us to seek external validation.

We frequently try to fill our energy tanks by relying on others, particularly women, from a place of desperation. This puts pressure on them to make us feel whole, a burden no one should bear.

Instead of sharing our unique energy from a place of fulfillment, we seek validation from others, believing we need someone outside ourselves to define us. This approach leaves us feeling powerless and unworthy.

Master Your Energy

Qi Gong offers a different path. It teaches us how to cultivate inner strength and manage both positive and negative emotions skillfully. Through practice, we transform stress into vitality and balance our masculine and feminine energies, known in Chinese Medicine as yin and yang.

This ancient practice equips us to work with energy in ways that prevent harm to ourselves and others.

There are around 3,000 forms of Qi Gong, but in my practice, I focus primarily on five:

  1. Microcosmic Orbit
    This practice helps you consciously circulate Qi through a circular energy channel in your body, harmonizing your mind, emotions, spirit, and physical body. It gives you a natural boost of vitality in all areas of life.

  2. Three Treasures
    The Three Treasures focuses on cultivating core energies within your body: physical energy, emotional energy, and spiritual consciousness. This practice helps you harness the power of these fundamental forces within.

  3. Five Elements
    Central to both Qi Gong and Chinese Medicine, the Five Elements—Metal, Water, Wood, Fire, and Earth—are essential energies within your body and nature. Health and vitality depend on keeping these energies strong and in balance.

  4. Tao Yin
    Tao Yin opens your energy meridians, allowing Qi to flow more freely throughout your body. It includes stretching exercises that enhance both physical flexibility and mental adaptability.

  5. Iron Shirt
    Originally developed in Shaolin temples for soldiers, Iron Shirt Qi Gong strengthens internal energy and packs it into your organs. This practice boosts your physical power, strengthens muscles and tendons, and enhances overall vitality.

Embody Inner Power

Iron Shirt offers physical and energetic benefits that extend to modern life. It helps prevent injuries, enhances mobility, and cultivates a metaphorical "Iron Shirt" of inner strength, empowering you to find power from within rather than seeking it externally.

The Role of Shen in Qi Gong

Qi Gong practice aims to transform Qi (life force energy) into Shen (spirit). Shen, nourished by Qi, must take control to bring harmony into our lives. Physical desires like food, sex, and material possessions lead to dissatisfaction if allowed to dominate. Releasing these desires aligns us with Shen, which is crucial for spiritual healing. Neglecting Jing (sexual essence) and Qi can cause emotional and physical issues, but once we focus on nurturing these energies, true healing occurs.

Discovering and Sharing Our Unique Energy

Understanding who we truly are and embracing our unique energy is key to personal fulfillment. External influences often distort our identity, but shaping ourselves from within leads to authentic expression. Sharing this inner energy through creativity brings happiness, while living according to outside expectations leads to sadness and dissatisfaction. The journey of discovering our true selves is profound, transforming our physical desires into something greater.

Jing Energy and Spiritual Transformation

Jing energy is tied to physical desires like food, sex, and addictions. Left unchecked, these can control us. However, when guided by Shen, we transcend bodily attachments and emotions, realizing we are more than just physical beings. In Taoist philosophy, sexual energy (Jing) can be elevated and transformed into life force energy, enhancing spiritual growth. Practices like Jing Gong help redirect this energy, fostering health, vitality, and compassion.

The Power of Sexual Energy

Sexual energy is a creative force within everyone. It cannot be suppressed without causing harm, so it must be embraced and circulated positively. When Jing energy transforms into Shen, it connects us to the divine and fosters compassion for the world. Misguided or uncontrolled Jing leads to power struggles and oppression, but when harnessed, it becomes a tool for spiritual and creative expression.

Balancing Sexual Energy and Divine Connection

Sublimating sexual energy into spiritual energy requires conscious effort and devotion. Achieving balance between sexual energy’s Yin and Yang qualities creates harmony in the world. The Yang energy of sexuality, often overpowering, must be tempered with Yin qualities like acceptance and nurturing. Sexual energy amplifies what’s inside us, making it a powerful tool for creative endeavors and spiritual growth.

Cultivating Higher Consciousness Through Qi Gong

Through Qi Gong, we cultivate personal energy and align with our higher self. Elevating Qi to Shen connects us to eternal consciousness and divine purpose. The three Dantians—Lower (inner power), Middle (emotions), and Upper (consciousness)—assist in this process. Shen Gong practices, such as circulating energy along the spine (microcosmic orbit), foster higher consciousness and connect us to the divine spark of life.

Honoring Sacred Sexual Energy

Sexual energy is sacred and requires reverence. When combined with love and higher consciousness, it elevates both personal and collective experiences. Suppressed or misdirected sexual energy can cause harm, but when consciously managed, it leads to spiritual enlightenment and creative expression. By embracing this life force, we honor the divine energy within ourselves, integrating it into relationships and creative projects for the benefit of all.

An Invitation to Ancient Wisdom

I invite you to explore this ancient practice, to dream again, and to become a courageous soul that defies society's definition of success. True success comes from mastering our internal energy, harmonizing it with the world around us.

As Lao Tzu wisely said: "Knowing others is intelligence; knowing yourself is true wisdom. Mastering others is strength; mastering yourself is true power."

Let’s embark on the journey of self-mastery, cultivating inner power, peace, and balance, so we can share this deep sense of fulfillment with the world.

Your Qi Gong Session Includes:

Each session will be tailored to your individual needs based on how you are feeling energetically.  Each practice session will take on this general format and will be modified as needed.

  • Focused Breathing
  • Warm-up
  • Activate Life Force Energy
  • Stretch
  • Strengthening
  • Flow
  • Postures of Power
  • Meditation

Discover your own unique energy and energy expression through the inner martial arts practice of Qi Gong.

Qi Gong sessions will be conducted online via Zoom or in person if prior arrangements are made.