"Take a chance. It's the best way to test yourself, have fun and push boundaries." -Richard Branson


The "Take a Chance On Yourself Blog" offers a beautiful invitation to embrace growth, courage, and transformation by breaking free from the limits we often place on ourselves. Here's a breakdown of these five key questions:

  1. What does it mean to you to take a chance on yourself?
    Taking a chance on yourself means believing in your potential and trusting that you can navigate the unknown. It's about stepping into opportunities with courage and allowing yourself the space to grow, regardless of the outcome.

  2. How have you allowed yourself to take chances in your life?
    Reflect on moments when you've taken risks in both small and large ways. These could be pivotal decisions like starting a new career, relocating to a different place, or even shifting your mindset from fear to curiosity.

  3. What resistance have you had to overcome to allow yourself to take chances?
    Resistance often comes in the form of fear, doubt, or attachment to comfort and security. Identifying these internal and external barriers can help you realize what's held you back in the past and how you can confront them moving forward.

  4. How are you currently taking a chance on yourself?
    Whether you're in the middle of a big leap or taking baby steps towards your goals, reflect on the actions you're taking right now that align with your true desires.

  5. What is the resistance or fear you are currently experiencing, or what is holding you back from taking a chance on yourself?
    This question digs into what’s currently standing in your way. Perhaps it's fear of failure, worry about judgment, or concerns about financial or emotional security. Recognizing these fears is a vital step toward breaking through them.

As you share and explore these questions with others on the blog, it will undoubtedly foster a powerful community of support. Everyone's journey looks different, but the common thread is the bravery it takes to step into the unknown for the sake of growth




What does it mean to live life uninhibited?

That is the question I have been asking myself.

Something I haven’t done very well in my life.

I have lived controlled.

I have lived self-consciously.

I have lived worrying about what others think of me.

What is the root of this inhibited life I have been living?

What do I need to do to live uninhibited?

To live from a place where I express my thoughts and feelings unselfconsciously and without restraint?

That sounds very freeing.

Somehow it …

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3 Reasons Why I Love to Practice Qi Gong

Qi Gong

Qi Gong is the skill of working with energy. It’s the art of effortless power, mirroring the movement of nature. It originated 4,000 years ago in China. 

It’s a powerful practice that helps us to increase our energy and reduce our stress. 

We are energy, that is why I train my energy body through the Eastern bioenergetic practice of Qi Gong daily.

I Feel Empowered

I have learned the hard way that most of life is out of my control. At least the external circumstances are. Trying to control pe…

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Trying Not To Try

Letting Go

I have always been a trier.

Try harder.

Push myself.

Make it happen.

Of course we all need a certain amount of effort to move forward.

But sometimes that over-trying gets in the way.

It creates tension.

It creates anxiety.

Being overly attached to outcomes takes all of the fun out of life.

This has been really hard for me to overcome.

The perfectionist in me wants to get it right.

Be perfect.

To control.

It feels like smoke and mirrors.

I am “trying” to shift out of trying.

There …

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This one life.

This one precious life.

There have been many challenges.

Obstacles to overcome.

Dreams dashed.

Divorce endured.

A disintegrated knee.

A metal hip.


Physical pain.

Emotional pain.



Lessons of perseverance.

And then there is waking up to the truth.

Everything is for my higher good.

To realize the truth of my being.

 I am the master of my life.

No matter what comes my way it is meant to reveal my higher Self.

It’s about overcoming.


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Training My Mind

Training My Mind

Training My Mind

I have relentlessly trained my body through the years.

Being disciplined has always been a strength of mine.

Eating a vegan diet, it’s all good.

I simply made a choice one day to stop eating animal products.

That’s that.

Getting to the gym every day, no problem.

It’s just what I do. 

But one area that has been an ongoing struggle for me is my thoughts.

I have heard this scripture before a thousand times.

“Be careful what you think because your thoughts run your life.” …

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What Would Love Do?

What Would Love Do


The struggle to keep my heart open.

It’s been conditioned to close.

To self-preserve to stay safe.

To protect my energy.

I have told myself so many stories.

It’s not who I want to be.

But it’s so damn hard to change.

The ego is fighting me tooth and nail.

It doesn’t want to let go.

I know the truth, but yet the hardwiring in my brain is holding on for dear life.

Yet, here I am.

Doing the work.

Asking myself the hard questions.

Looking in the mirror.

In the thick of transformatio…

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Rise Up

Rise Up Image

Rise Up

Get knocked down.

Get back up again and again and again.

Rise up one more time.

Don’t stay down for the count.

Rise up into wholeness.

Rise up into oneness.

Perseverance is the name of the game.

With failing there is no shame.

Fail and fail some more.

Just fail forward.

What is failure anyways?

An opportunity to learn.

Or an opportunity to see ourselves as a failure.

What’s the difference?

I failed.

Or I am a failure.

The only way to fail is to give up.

We are warriors.…

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Being Breathed

Being Breathed Image

There isn’t anything I have to do.

Just be still.

Be aware.

Be aware of being aware.

Sit back and observe.

I am being breathed.

I feel a peace that passes all understanding.

A smile comes over me.

A tear runs down my face.

A tear of joy.

A deep sense of love.

A wholeness that I can’t describe.

The senses want to pull me in so many directions.

My mind can spin with relentless thoughts.

Most of those thoughts aren’t even true.

The truth is I am being breathed.

The best thing I can …

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What the Hell is Qi Gong?


Qi Gong

That’s a weird name.

What the hell is Qi Gong?

Qi means energy.

Gong means skill.

It’s the skill of working with energy.

Who doesn’t need that?

Who couldn’t use more energy?

Positive energy that is.

How about transforming stress into vitality?

That sounds pretty good.

Sign me up.

It’s ancient wisdom.

It’s been around for 4,000 years developed by the Chinese.

It’s the alignment of breath, movement and awareness.

It’s the art of effortless power.

Inner martial arts.

A movi…

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Know Thyself


Know Thyself

I got it all wrong most of my life.

I searched for power in all the wrong things.

I was misled.









External validation.



The search outside of myself led to despair.

We are sold a way of living that creates constant seeking and attaining.

Know thyself.

That is true power.

It’s right there.

It’s too obvious.  

It’s too simple.

It’s profound.

Know myself.

That is where the wisdo…

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