One Word Can Change Your Life


2018 has come and gone.  For me 2018 was the fastest year on record.  It went by like the blink of an eye.   It was an amazing year in so many ways, but also very challenging.  As always the two parallels of life.  The good and the bad.  The triumphs and the failures.   The moments of love and then heartbreak. 

The biggest thing I learned from 2018 is to embrace uncertainty.  To be OK with not knowing.  To completely trust God and His plans for my life.   To fully embrace that there are no acci…

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I Am A Spiritual Warrior Coach


What is it about taking risks that scares us so much?  What is it about being so concerned with what people think of us?   I have been ensnared in the safety and comfort zone trap my whole life.  I have been bogged down by wanting people to like me as long as I can remember.  It’s an exhausting and soul killing way to live.  It has made me shrink back and play small out of fear of what people think about me. 

Here is my recent battle as small as it may seem, it’s a really big deal to me.   Over…

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The Man in the Arena (Getting his Ass Kicked a Little Bit)


“Get in the arena, show up, do your thing and don’t be afraid to get your ass kicked a little bit.” –Brene Brown

Do you ever have one of those days, weeks, months or even years where you just want to quit?  Where you don’t want to get in the arena anymore and keep getting your ass kicked? When you get to the point in your life where you want to say screw it and run away from reality?

I had one of those weeks not too long ago.  I wanted to quit everything.  Quit trying to grow a fitness minis…

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Change the World with Love


My heart is breaking! Sadly we live in a world where a man goes into a synagogue and randomly kills eleven people because he decides he hates Jews.

We live in a world where a doctor abuses his power and sexually abuses over one hundred women for his own pleasure.

Sadly we live in a world where there is still prejudice. Where we always think we are right and the other person is wrong and we won’t even listen to understand.

It’s easy to throw up our hands and complain and join in on all of th…

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Rewire Your Brain Back to Perfection


I want to change the world.  I want to show people what is possible when we fully step into who we are created to be.  What I have realized is I will never be able to do this with my current self-limiting beliefs.  I will never become the person God created me to be with my history of toxic thinking. 

That’s why I recently embarked on a journey of renewing my mind.  I decided I was going to put as much effort into my mental training as my physical and spiritual training.    I am learning that t…

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Heart Transformation Happens in Community


Is there ever a word that keeps showing up in your life over and over again?  It’s that tap on the shoulder, that voice in your head, that desire in your heart.   The word that keeps getting shown to me is community.  Which is kind of ironic as I have become a master of isolation over the course of a life time.  Isolation is my default button when I feel overwhelmed and don’t want to deal with the challenges in life.

What God is showing me is heart transformation happens in community.  Of cours…

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Spiritual Warrior Manifesto


I believe every man wants to live out his true purpose and live a life of significance.  I believe every man wants to step into his power and be the person he was created to be. 

Playing small and shrinking back is such a common theme among men in our world today.  We have been settling for mediocrity and the status quo. 

 “There is no passion to be found playing small-in settling for a life that is less than the one you are capable of living.”-Nelson Mandela

As Spiritual Warriors we are call…

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It's OK to be a Beginner


I felt inept.  I lacked confidence.  I was worried I would hurt myself.  That describes how I felt last week when I decided I would give mountain biking a try.  It has been over five years since I have done any “real” mountain biking.  I have been wanting to get back out there for a while, but I have been so focused on my road cycling I didn’t have time. 

As I went on the so called “beginner” trail with my heart pumping and not knowing what to expect I was greeted with more protruding and jag…

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Soul on Fire


How different would our life be if we did what made us feel truly alive?  How different would our world be if we were all living out our true purpose?

I would venture to guess most of us aren’t functioning in life with our soul on fire.  We are bored, complacent and I would guess maybe even a little angry.  When we aren’t fulfilled it is easy for anger to set in.  Believe me, I get it, as I have experienced all of those emotions. 

When I share my faith journey I often get the comment of how in…

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It’s Monday morning at 5:15am.  After four bouts with the snooze alarm I was finally able to peel myself out of bed.  I am not a typical hit the snooze button kind of a guy, but this morning all I could do was muster up enough strength to roll over and hit the snooze button and hit it again and again and again. 

Can you relate to this?  That feeling of extreme fatigue.  I was talking to one of my clients this week and he said he was feeling  “fatiguey” that particular morning.  I think he shoul…

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