One Percent Better


"Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer."   Romans 12:12

Tackling change can be a daunting and an overwhelming undertaking sometimes, especially when you are embarking on a body transformation.   In fact I think it can be so overwhelming, people don’t even try, or at the very least they give it a shot, but quit if they don’t see immediate results.

What if you had a different perspective on your body transformation?  What if you just tried to do one thing 1% better today t…

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Are You Dense?


“Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in good health, just as your soul prospers.”  3 John 1:2 

I think we have all heard these statistics before.   In fact we have heard them so much I think we have become numb to them because being overweight has become normal.  7 out of every 10 Americans are overweight.  4 out of every 10 Americans are obese.  1 out of every 2 Americans has some type of chronic disease such as heart disease or diabetes.  Currently there are 30 million A…

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Just Keep Showing Up


I have adopted this mantra for my personal training clients, “just keeping showing up.”  A quote from Woody Allen says, “Eighty percent of success is just showing up.”  I love that quote and believe it to be true.  So many of my clients have stopped and started an exercise and nutrition program so many times over the years, they come to me lacking self-confidence and full of fear that they are going to “fail” again. 

My first job as their coach is to redefine failure.  Failure to me is when y…

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Three Keys to Leading Like Jesus


I have always admired the quiet leaders such as Tony Dungy and Bud Grant.  I loved their stoicism on the sidelines.  They never lost their cool and always stayed even keeled regardless if they were winning or losing.  I understand we all have different personalities.  Some people wear their emotions on their sleeves and others you can’t tell if they are ahead by 20 points or down by 20 points. 

I have always considered myself a lead by example kind of a guy.  I am not a big rah rah get in your …

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I Never Promised You a Rose Garden (A Tribute to My Dad)


It will be 11 years on January 25th since my father passed away.  Dad, you are dearly missed.  You planted seeds into my life many years ago that now are starting to come fully into fruition.  You were a true man of God with a servant’s heart.  Your greatest saying, “Every day is a gift, so you better make the most of it,”  is something I will never forget and try to live my life by. 

In honor of my father’s 11th year since he has passed and went to be with the Lord, I wanted to share one of hi…

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What's Your Reason for Getting Up in the Morning?


How many of you woke up this morning knowing exactly what your purpose is in life?  If I asked you right now, what is your reason you got up this morning, would you be able to tell me in a heartbeat? 

This blog post is about finding your ikigai?    According to the Japanese, everyone has an ikigai.  An ikigai is basically a reason to get up in the morning.  A reason to enjoy life.  A reason for being.  Finding your ikigai requires a deep and often lengthy search of self.   I want to invite you …

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Sweet Surrender


Surrender.  That word keeps popping up in my life whether I want it to or not.  I hear it on the podcast sermons I listen to.  I hear it in the Christian songs I listen to.  I even heard it in the movie, Bruce Almighty inadvertently, when I was trying to change the channel to football, it got stuck on TBS during the part where Bruce (Jim Carrey) was screaming out I don’t want to play God any more, I surrender.   That was definitely a God thing trying to get my attention. 

You see, I am really g…

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3 Ways to Unlimited Energy


We only have 24 hours in a day.  So much to do, but so little time.  My question to you is how efficient are you with that time?  It’s not about doing more with your time, it’s about being more effective with your time.  One of the biggest barriers and challenges I hear from my clients as a fitness professional is a lack of energy and honestly, something I struggle with from time to time.   Many of us are just trying to survive the day and not thrive.

Think back to a day where you felt well res…

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Be Your Authentic Self


What if you showed up in 2018 bigger than you ever have before because you have faith in yourself through faith in God?  There is only one you and you have so much to offer the world.  Believe in yourself because you are beautifully and wonderfully made.  You are God's masterpiece. 

I pray this video speaks to your heart.  Maybe your only goal for 2018 is to be your authentic self.  Love yourself for who you are right here and right now and for who God created you to be. 

Have a Happy New Year…

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3 Strategies to Get in the Best Shape of Your Life and Stay There


It is significantly more challenging to get in shape than it is to stay there.  In fact yo-yo dieting can be one of the hardest things on your body and your metabolism.  I tell my clients work hard to get in the best shape of their life and then do what it takes to stay there.  Maintenance of your fitness is much easier than the road getting there.

My challenge to you today is to decide to get in the best shape of your life no matter if you are 20 or 80 years old.  Every great accomplishment st…

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