I Doubted I Could Do It


A few weeks ago I wrote a blog post titled, “Why You Should Push Your Physical Limits.”  I shared how I signed up for the Triple Bypass bike ride which covers 120 miles and over 10,000 feet of climbing.  I signed up for it because I didn’t know if I could do it.  Well I did it.  I finished the ride in nine hours and thirteen minutes.  It was the greatest feeling to accomplish something I didn’t know if I could do it or not. 

I want to challenge you to sign up for something you doubt you can do …

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Stop Shrinking Back


For as long as I can remember I have always been overly concerned about what people think about me.  A chronic people pleaser.  A Christian nice guy.  I wanted people to like me so I could feel good about myself and get validation through others.  As a result of this I would shrink back and play small.  Not a very powerful way to live. 

I didn’t take criticism well.  I would get defensive.  I would make their stuff my stuff and go into a completely diminished state of being. 

Can you relate?  …

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Reclaim Your Inner Warrior


“I thought the race set before me by God was getting physically fit, but it was so much more than that.”   This is what my client Matt Kuti had to say after we have been working together for the last seven months.  Matt came to me desperately wanting a physical transformation, but he has gotten so much more.  His life has been transformed mentally and spiritually. 


I remember meeting Matt for the first time as if it were yesterday.   Matt was a former athlete in hi…

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3 Musts to Make Extreme Self-Care a Priority


If we don’t have our health what do we have?  Sadly many of us neglect our physical body.  We take for granted this amazing God given vessel we are given.  We abuse it with poor nutrition, lack of exercise, limited sleep and chronic stress.  We are over-worked, stressed and exhausted and our body takes the brunt of this go, go, go mentality. 

I would like to propose a new possibility for our health and taking care of our body.  One where we treat our body as precious, because it is.  It’s the o…

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Why You Should Push Your Physical Limits


One of the things I loved the most about playing football was that adrenaline rush of running out onto the field in front of thousands of screaming fans.  It made me feel fully alive.  I was always nervous before a game, but completely pumped.  It’s what I lived for. 

There was always the fear of going into battle knowing that there was going to be pain involved.  In football there is just know way to escape it.   But I loved the game.  I felt like a warrior.  A team of men giving it our best a…

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A Square Peg in a Round Hole


For seventeen years of my working career I felt like a square peg trying to fit into a round hole.  It just didn’t fit.  I often times remembered that sense of dread when Sunday evening came around because I knew that it was almost time to start my work week.  Can you relate to that?  Dread is a horrible feeling.  One that will suck our soul dry. 


The reason I got into the pharmaceutical industry was that I wanted to spend more time with my kids.  Before getting into the pharma indus…

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Fit Dad Fit Kids


One of my earliest memories of exercising with my kids is when they were two and one years old.  I traded in my road bike for a Burley bike trailer and attached it to my mountain bike.  I would sneak in a bike ride with my two kids in tow with their heads bouncing around like bobble heads.  Thank goodness I didn’t cause any permanent damage to their cervical spine. 

I have always included my kids in my exercise program.  I believe one of the most important things we can teach our children is …

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Lottery Ticket vs. the Sculpture


We hear these marketing ploys over and over again from the fitness industry;  Follow this exercise program for 21 days and you will have the perfect body.   Do the ab roller for 21 days and you will get 6 pack abs.  Follow the 21 day diet and you will melt off all of your fat.   We have all heard that it takes 21 days to change a habit.  But is that really accurate?  Is it really that simple?   

Changing our habits can be extremely challenging, especially when we have a short term mentality.  I…

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Addicted to God


I have been a personal trainer and health coach for over twenty-five years and by far the biggest challenge I see people facing is the struggle with emotional eating.  Eating for reasons other than hunger.  

The majority of my clients come to me with long standing patterns of making unhealthy lifestyle choices and a poor relationship with food.  The struggle is real.  It’s a pattern that can be changed, but takes a great deal of work, patience and persistence. 

There is no magic pill for makin…

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Who's the Nut?


I first started to develop my passion for nutrition when I was in college.  I took my first nutrition class while attending the University of North Dakota.   As an athlete I realized that I had no clue about nutrition and that my high school and college coaches knew even less than me.   I know from personal experience how we fuel our body has a major impact on how we look, feel and perform better.  

When I was in high school I was one of the top hurdlers in the state of North Dakota.  My goal w…

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