Change the World with Love


My heart is breaking! Sadly we live in a world where a man goes into a synagogue and randomly kills eleven people because he decides he hates Jews.

We live in a world where a doctor abuses his power and sexually abuses over one hundred women for his own pleasure.

Sadly we live in a world where there is still prejudice. Where we always think we are right and the other person is wrong and we won’t even listen to understand.

It’s easy to throw up our hands and complain and join in on all of the rhetoric and hate. That is never going to solve the world’s problems.

What if we changed the world with love one person at a time? Not conditional love, but unconditional love to all people.

What if we as men step up to be the spiritual leaders we are called to be? What if we as men got in community with other men where we could be vulnerable and authentic and stop pretending to be someone we are not? What if we saw vulnerability as strength and not weakness?

I am sick and tired of this me against you attitude, us against them. What if we all partnered together as one nation under God and just showed up from a place of powerful love for the betterment of humanity? That would change the world. I am all in! How about you?

Troy Ismir, MS

Spiritual Warrior


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