It’s Monday morning at 5:15am. After four bouts with the snooze alarm I was finally able to peel myself out of bed. I am not a typical hit the snooze button kind of a guy, but this morning all I could do was muster up enough strength to roll over and hit the snooze button and hit it again and again and again.
Can you relate to this? That feeling of extreme fatigue. I was talking to one of my clients this week and he said he was feeling “fatiguey” that particular morning. I think he should trademark that word as I am hearing more and more people suffering from “fatiguey”.
I thought Monday was a fluke as I survived the day, but I felt even more exhausted on Tuesday and Wednesday. As a trainer and coach a big part of my job is encouraging and inspiring people to be at their best. Let me tell you it is next to impossible with the level of exhaustion I was feeling.
On July 14th I did a 120 mile bike ride with over 10,000 feet of climbing and on August 4th I did an 80 mile bike ride with 6500 feet of climbing. There were three weeks between the two events, but do you know how many days of rest and recovery I took between those two rides? ZERO!
The day after both of those rides I was exhausted. I was tired and wired. I was so tired, but I didn’t sleep well. So as any good American would do I fueled myself with caffeine. And true to my form I worked out first thing the next morning. Push-ups, core work, pull-ups. My story that I tell myself is that I always feel better after a workout. Which is true when I am in the moment and right after, but this past week my body shut down. Meaning I had no energy what so ever.
I was on pure survival mode. Just make it through the day. No zest for life, no passion for my work. Just make it through the day and crash on the couch the minute I got home. I have always prided myself with the mantra no days off.
That mantra has caught up with me this week and I have come to the realization that this mantra has to change to rest and recovery. At 51 years of age I pride myself that I am still able to train with extreme intensity and love to show the 20 somethings how it’s done in the gym. It’s time to kick pride out the window and listen to my body.
What I have been shown this week is if I don’t rest and recover I am no good to anyone. My clients, my family, my community and most importantly doing God’s work. I failed myself and everyone else this week by not allowing my body to rest and recover.
In listening to people and my clients one of the most common themes I hear are I am so tired. Exhausted is a word I here often or the new word fatiguey. How many of us are walking zombies? Honestly, I didn’t even feel like a human being this week. Extreme brain fog, severe allergies and lethargy were prevalent in my life.
What I believe God is showing me is that I need to rest my body. At least once a week, but probably more like twice a week. It doesn’t mean being sedentary, but do things that are more restorative such as going for an easy walk or some light yoga.
What do you need to do to restore and rest? Maybe it’s learn to say no so you aren’t so overscheduled and can have a relaxing evening at home and get to bed at a decent hour. Maybe it’s to actually take a day of rest on the Sabbath and have a complete day of restoration. It might be to build in some light movement instead of heavy intense exercise.
Whatever it is for you, listen to your body. Allow your body time to be restored. Matthew 11:28 says, “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” Find rest in God. Take time to be still for that is the time we can truly draw closer to God. It’s in those moments where we will find rest for our soul.
Imagine a life of energy, vitality and optimal health. That is what I am going for. It will be a shift in perspective for me, but I know that the only way I can do the work that God has called me to do is if I build in rest and restoration into my life. Please join me in that possibility of slowing down so we can be more effective, energetic and joyful in our day to day life.
Troy Ismir, MS
Spiritual Warrior Coach
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