Spiritual Growth

Rise Up

Rise Up Image

Rise Up

Get knocked down.

Get back up again and again and again.

Rise up one more time.

Don’t stay down for the count.

Rise up into wholeness.

Rise up into oneness.

Perseverance is the name of the game.

With failing there is no shame.

Fail and fail some more.

Just fail forward.

What is failure anyways?

An opportunity to learn.

Or an opportunity to see ourselves as a failure.

What’s the difference?

I failed.

Or I am a failure.

The only way to fail is to give up.

We are warriors.…

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Being Breathed

Being Breathed Image

There isn’t anything I have to do.

Just be still.

Be aware.

Be aware of being aware.

Sit back and observe.

I am being breathed.

I feel a peace that passes all understanding.

A smile comes over me.

A tear runs down my face.

A tear of joy.

A deep sense of love.

A wholeness that I can’t describe.

The senses want to pull me in so many directions.

My mind can spin with relentless thoughts.

Most of those thoughts aren’t even true.

The truth is I am being breathed.

The best thing I can …

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Sitting On A Stump In The Middle Of The Woods

As I was reflecting on my life and all that has happened over the past six months since leaving Boulder, Colorado, traveling and ending up in Jacksonville, Florida a question popped up in my mind. 

What does it mean to be content?

What came up for me was an old mantra from a number of years ago. 

I can be content just sitting on a stump in the middle of the woods.” 

Yes, travel is great and I plan on doing more in the future.

Yes, I love to ride my bike, play golf and workout and I plan on…

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The Divine Adventure

I have climbed above the clouds

Ascending a 14er. 

I have swam in the vastness of the blue water

Being but a wave in the ocean.

I have cycled the Colorado National Monument 

In awe and wonder.

I have been mesmerized by the New Mexico sunsets  

And the star emblazoned skies.

It has been a divine adventure.

I see now, the adventure was to bring me home.

To bring me back to who I am.

To reclaim my sonship with God.

It was a divine adventure I had to go on.

I am the prodigal son…

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The Courage To Be In the Arena


During my meditation time the other morning I was working into a deep meditation reciting Psalm 46:10 in my mind over and over as I have countless times before. 

“Be still and know that I am God.” Psalm 46:10

My mind didn’t feel very still at the moment as I was trying to settle my bucking bronco mind down into some level of peace and quiet. Sometimes that takes a minute and sometimes it seems like it never happens.

Deeply Knowing By Experience

I was about ten minutes into my meditation when…

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Father and Son

I am writing this on Father’s Day and feeling very sentimental and for some reason the need to rhyme sharing a poem I wrote for my dad who left his physical body on January 25th, 2007. 

To all the dads out there keep doing your best. I know it isn't always easy to be the rock.

We fall down often, but pick yourself up again and keep doing your inner work.  We need strong male role models now more than ever.  Know that you are never alone. We are united as one.

Go to your Heavenly Father, Mothe…

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Back 2 Basics


Although I have recently stepped back from doing my own podcast for the time being, I still believe it’s a great platform to share our creative ideas and inspire others to be their best selves. 

I was recently interviewed by Girish Bali from the Back 2 Basics podcast. Here are a few of the insights from my interview with Girish. You can listen to the entire podcast here or a snippet here.  

GirishWhat does back 2 basics mean to you?

Troy: It means to slow down and simplify life and get back…

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A Cry for Help


This blog post is in memory of all the lives lost to mass shootings and the families who are dealing with the devastating aftermath.

I pray for the healing to begin and that this heartfelt blog expresses my desire appropriately to bring inner peace to the world.

In the world we are living in, we are witnessing eighteen year old boys legally acquiring assault rifles and killing innocent people destroying their lives and taking countless victims with them. They are senseless, horrific and inexcu…

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The Heart of a Spiritual Warrior


The heart of a spiritual warrior is one of compassion.

Through heartbreak my heart has become stronger.

It’s through my healing I have uncovered my inner power.

My journey of healing has led me to a deep desire to be a bodhisattva.

To mix my mind with Christ Consciousness.

To live with spiritual autonomy.

I know who I am. 

I know my mission in life.

I let go of perfection as that is a trap.

My greatest weapon is detachment.

I detach from my ego.

I thank my ego for doing its job of kee…

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Seeing With My Heart

Snowcapped Mountains

As I sit here, I see the beauty of the majestic snow-capped mountains. 

I have seen them many times before.

For that I am grateful.

This time I see them differently.

Because I am different.

My mind has more clarity.

My mind has more peace.

As beautiful as the mountains are, I don’t need to see them to be happy.

I can simply close my eyes and be in the presence of the mountains.

This mind is a beautiful gift, but often times wasted.

For many years I have focused on everything except my …

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