Sitting On A Stump In The Middle Of The Woods
As I was reflecting on my life and all that has happened over the past six months since leaving Boulder, Colorado, traveling and ending up in Jacksonville, Florida a question popped up in my mind.
What does it mean to be content?
What came up for me was an old mantra from a number of years ago.
“I can be content just sitting on a stump in the middle of the woods.”
Yes, travel is great and I plan on doing more in the future.
Yes, I love to ride my bike, play golf and workout and I plan on doing those things until I can’t.
What I am realizing is I can spiritualize every aspect of my life.
I took a break from playing golf for about three months as I was pondering what is the point of spending four hours of my day chasing a little white golf ball around?
And then it hit me like a ton of bricks.
My soul can be in union with God while I am sitting on a stump in the middle of the woods just as much as I can be connected to Spirit while swinging a stick at a white ball. There is no difference.
I also realized that I am passionate about golf. It’s a form of meditation for me. It’s a practice of finding stillness in the movement in a flow state.
Golf is a platform to get to know myself. Through hard work and consistent practice I can develop an inner power that will make me a better golfer and better human.
Why deny myself that?
Golf is fun, it’s social, it’s challenging. I get to be out in nature sharing a common passion with other golfers.
I choose to be content sitting on a stump in the middle of the woods.
I choose to be content pursuing my passion for golf.
Are you content or are you looking for the next thing, person or experience to feel happy?
From my experience when I kept looking for the next and the next to find contentment, it never worked.
True contentment comes from the inside.
It may be as simple as sitting on a stump in the middle of the woods getting to know yourself.
How are you practicing contentment in your life?
Troy Ismir, MS
Spiritual Warrior
Inner Transformation Coach
I help men take a chance on themselves so they can experience a better, more authentic and fulfilling life.
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