The Divine Adventure

I have climbed above the clouds

Ascending a 14er. 

I have swam in the vastness of the blue water

Being but a wave in the ocean.

I have cycled the Colorado National Monument 

In awe and wonder.

I have been mesmerized by the New Mexico sunsets  

And the star emblazoned skies.

It has been a divine adventure.

I see now, the adventure was to bring me home.

To bring me back to who I am.

To reclaim my sonship with God.

It was a divine adventure I had to go on.

I am the prodigal son.

I was lost.

Now I am found.

I thought it was the outdoor adventure I sought.

It was not.

It was a divine adventure to realize my beautiful soul.

This is just the start of something magnificent that words can’t describe.

I fearlessly surrender to what God has in store.

I courageously embrace the uncertainty of life.

It’s a divine adventure we are all called to go on.

For in the end, that’s all that really matters.

I am an immortal soul.

I am one with the Almighty Spirit. 


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