Father and Son

I am writing this on Father’s Day and feeling very sentimental and for some reason the need to rhyme sharing a poem I wrote for my dad who left his physical body on January 25th, 2007. 

To all the dads out there keep doing your best. I know it isn't always easy to be the rock.

We fall down often, but pick yourself up again and keep doing your inner work.  We need strong male role models now more than ever.  Know that you are never alone. We are united as one.

Go to your Heavenly Father, Mother, Beloved God and Friend daily and moment by moment as needed. Spend time in deep meditation and be still and know that your Spirit will give you the inner strength and wisdom to be the best dad you can be.

And to all the fathers to be, the best preparation you can do now is seek the Kingdom of God above all else so you will be as prepared as possible when that most beautiful day comes.

Father and Son

I know you were called to preach, 

but at times you seemed so out of reach.

I was proud when people said you were the best.

It just seemed like at times you forgot to be home to take care of the nest.

I know now you were compelled to take care of the rest.

I look back and see that you did your best.  

You had so much to overcome.

A refugee from the war.

You showed me what it means to walk through an unknown door.

You came to the states with just the shirt on your back.

You didn’t believe in lack.

You went to college, seminary and got a Master’s.

You were called to wear a white collar as one of those pastors. 

You tried to teach me to fish, but the line always ended up in knots.

We never did find any good fishing spots.

We never quite got around to learning how to change a tire.

But that’s OK, you sure could inspire.

I saw you preach where your heart was on fire.

Your three point sermons resonated with so many. 

I admit, sometimes I didn’t listen to any. 

I would have rather been playing ball.

But you made me go, so it wasn’t my call. 

You know what’s crazy dad?

After all the resistance and fighting being bad, 

With my life looking pretty dim.

I ended up leading a ministry in a gym.

A ministry for men who were searching for hope.

And thank God I was able to send them a life saving rope.

It’s for men like me that never felt comfortable in a church.

For when we men sit too long we feel the need to lurch.

It’s called Spiritual Warriors Unite

We discover our inner power while learning not to fight.

Dudes just share what’s on our heart. 

Because so often it gets torn apart.

Sometimes we even cuss.

But we try not to make a fuss. 

Father, I wish you were here.

We would understand each other better and be more clear.

I know you are proud of me.

Because of who I have become to be.

In loving memory of my dad, Pastor Sam Ismir. December 22, 1933 -January 25, 2007

In 2015 I published "I Never Promised You a Rose Garden" to honor my dad and his legacy. It is the inspiring life story and words of hope from a Palestinian Christian pastor. Pastor Samih Ismir shares his riveting life story from being raised in a war-torn area of the Middle East to leaving his homeland at the age of 18 to further his education. This book contains a compilation of Pastor Sam's most compelling sermons along with his most impactful sermon, "I never Promised You a Rose Garden."

Troy Ismir

Spiritual Warrior

Inner Transformation Coach


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