"Take a chance. It's the best way to test yourself, have fun and push boundaries." -Richard Branson


The "Take a Chance On Yourself Blog" offers a beautiful invitation to embrace growth, courage, and transformation by breaking free from the limits we often place on ourselves. Here's a breakdown of these five key questions:

  1. What does it mean to you to take a chance on yourself?
    Taking a chance on yourself means believing in your potential and trusting that you can navigate the unknown. It's about stepping into opportunities with courage and allowing yourself the space to grow, regardless of the outcome.

  2. How have you allowed yourself to take chances in your life?
    Reflect on moments when you've taken risks in both small and large ways. These could be pivotal decisions like starting a new career, relocating to a different place, or even shifting your mindset from fear to curiosity.

  3. What resistance have you had to overcome to allow yourself to take chances?
    Resistance often comes in the form of fear, doubt, or attachment to comfort and security. Identifying these internal and external barriers can help you realize what's held you back in the past and how you can confront them moving forward.

  4. How are you currently taking a chance on yourself?
    Whether you're in the middle of a big leap or taking baby steps towards your goals, reflect on the actions you're taking right now that align with your true desires.

  5. What is the resistance or fear you are currently experiencing, or what is holding you back from taking a chance on yourself?
    This question digs into what’s currently standing in your way. Perhaps it's fear of failure, worry about judgment, or concerns about financial or emotional security. Recognizing these fears is a vital step toward breaking through them.

As you share and explore these questions with others on the blog, it will undoubtedly foster a powerful community of support. Everyone's journey looks different, but the common thread is the bravery it takes to step into the unknown for the sake of growth


Personal Development

Radically Free To Be Me

“It’s all for nothing if you don’t have freedom.” William Wallace from Braveheart

I have lived the vast majority of my life in a self-imposed cage trying to be someone I am not. I have tried to live up to society’s and people’s expectations of how I am supposed to show up conforming to the world’s standards. I am the one who has put myself in the cage and now I am taking full responsibility for busting out of my cage once and for all.

What I am discovering on my journey is that the only way to…

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Say Yes To Your Adventure

“The big question is whether you are going to be able to say a hearty yes to your adventure.” -Joseph Campbell

Building adventure into our lives is one of the best things we can do for our souls. It’s easy to get caught up in the day to day humdrum of life. We forget that life is an adventure to be lived. We have to be intentional about building adventure into our lives or it doesn’t happen. Life can be a grind if we let it. This can lead to our feeling trapped, living a life of conformity and …

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Twelve Ways to Live With Courageous Conviction


What does it mean to live with courageous conviction? It’s not easy to define, but I definitely know someone who is living that way when I see it.

I think in this world we idolize athletes too much. Many athletes are gifted with great talent, but very poor character. We see it all the time in the news where a star athlete does great things on the field and horrific things off of it.

But there are athletes and non-athletes alike who I admire and respect because they live their life with convict…

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Warrior Energy


When we think of a warrior we usually think of a fighter. Someone who is willing to go into battle and fight until his death. That is noble indeed. 

There is so much more than being a warrior than fighting. In fact, a true warrior often craves peace and doesn’t look for a battle, but is willing to go there if need be.

One characteristic of a warrior that I am working on is discipline. Not from a physical aspect because I have that one nailed.

It’s from the discipline of giving my gifts feroci…

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How to Train to be Antifragile


I first heard the word antifragile when I was reading a book by Mark Manson called “Everything is f*cked. A Book About Hope”.

How he described antifragility is seeking out the discomfort that will force us to grow. His point being is that we have gotten soft as a society. We have become entitled. We don’t know how to use our pain that we go through in life to get stronger and become better people.

We are actually in a perfect training environment to learn how to become antifragile while being …

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Turning Self-Doubt Upside Down

self doubt

I was feeling really emotional the other night. Maybe it was because I was watching the final episode of This is Us. I am not sure why I watch that show because of the emotional roller coaster it puts me on. It’s kind of like how I feel right now in my own “This is Us” life.

The Ugly Voice of Self-Doubt

I was sitting on my couch, thinking to myself, I don’t know if I can do this. I don’t know if I can make it as an entrepreneur. I don’t know if I can do what God is calling me to do. To lead a …

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Becoming the Best Version of Ourselves

“The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands in times of challenge and controversy.” Martin Luther King Jr.

When I first heard that all of the gyms were ordered closed by the governor of Colorado for at least thirty days because of COVID-19, I have to be honest, my first response was to go into victim mode.

After two years of blood, sweat and tears of building a thriving face to face personal training practice, which I refer t…

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simplify (1)


The thought of less is more has been put strongly on my heart over the course of the last few months. I have been caught up in doing too much and the feeling of being spread too thin. How many of you does that resonate with?

I am taking steps to streamline my life. To simplify. To live a life of less is more.

I am changing my schedule so I can get more rest. I am de-cluttering my house to the bare essentials to simplify my life and have less stuff.

I am doing more of what I love; wr…

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Perfectionism Destroys Our Joy


The unreal expectation of trying to be perfect is stealing my joy right from underneath my nose. Often times I don’t recognize why I don’t have peace and joy in my life. But then it smacks me right in the face.

This quote comes to mind; 

“Perfection is often the enemy of greatness.” -Janelle Monae

My unreal expectation of perfection is stealing my joy and ultimately my greatness. 

It makes me miserable. I beat myself up when I can’t live up to my own expectations of being perfect.

If you ar…

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My One Word for 2020...COURAGE


At the beginning of this year I chose one word that I wanted to live my life by. That word was abundance. I was expecting abundance in every area of my life including financial, relational and in my fitness ministry.

I expected abundance living a life of compassion, joy and vulnerability.

The scripture I chose for this past year was John 10:10. “The thief comes only to steal, kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.”

Has 2019 worked out exactly how I wanted it …

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