Personal Development

ONE Million Starts with ONE


In this world of follows and likes on Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter, LinkedIn and however many more social media platforms we have it is so easy to get caught up in numbers.  Believe me I have fallen into that trap many times myself. 

I often times wonder what our life would be like if we went back to the days before social media.  Don’t get me wrong, I don’t think social media is all bad and I certainly use it to share my story and encourage others, but I also know it’s a source of wo…

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Personal Internal Commitment


As I walked into the tattoo parlor totally out of my comfort zone and quite honestly a little freaked out I heard a voice coming from above.   “Come up here.”  Is that you God?  Are you trying to tell me something?  As it turns out it was just the owner upstairs where they do all of the tattooing.  There wasn’t anyone on the main floor and they have video cameras to see when someone enters the building.  It wasn’t the voice of God, just the tattoo guy.

As I walked through those front doors comp…

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The Making of a Leader


I had the honor of interviewing Dr. Steve Hoke on my Spiritual Warriors Unite podcast the other day.  There were so many great nuggets of information that I will be summarizing in this blog post.  To listen to the entire interview go here.

Steve is a leader development and strategic life coach.  His passion is helping front line men and women fall in love with Jesus so they can live a spirit filled life and operate in spiritual authority. 

The heart of effective leadership is character and int…

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The Next Chapter


It has been about two years since I left the comfort and security of my six figure pharmaceutical job and moved to Colorado after living in Orlando for the last twenty years of my life.   I left behind comfort, safety and security for the great unknown.  What a faith adventure God has me on. 

I would love to tell you since moving out here it has been all sunshine and rainbows.  It hasn’t been.  There have been many ups and downs along the way.   But I wouldn’t change this adventure for anything…

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Does Life Really Have to be so Hard?



Does life really have to be so “hard?”  Does it always have to be a struggle?  It seems in my own personal and professional life I have become really good at making things hard.   I have always been hard on myself.  I have always demanded perfectionism of myself and when I don’t live up to my own expectations I beat myself up mentally and yes sometimes even physically.  Damn, that’s a hard way to live life, no pun intended. 


My dear fr…

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Rise Up to the Murph Challenge


When was the last time you got out of your comfort zone?  When was the last time you pushed your physical limits beyond what you thought you were capable of?  When was the last time you have felt fully alive?

In this day and age it’s easy for us to get soft.  We have 200 channels on the TV to choose from.  We have fast food restaurants on every corner.   We have phones that keep us connected to the world 24/7.

I don’t know about you, but I am about over it.  

As part of my fitness ministry I …

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Creating the Habit of Greatness


Whether we want to admit it or not we are all creatures of habit.   The vast majority of us do the same things day after day.  We eat the same foods, we think the same thoughts, we drive to work the same way.

Of course that is good in many ways.  Thank goodness we don’t have to re-learn how to drive a car every day.  We have that habit instilled in us to the point we often times drive somewhere and have no recollection of how we even got there.  That’s a little scary isn’t it?

Case in point wh…

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One Word Can Change Your Life


2018 has come and gone.  For me 2018 was the fastest year on record.  It went by like the blink of an eye.   It was an amazing year in so many ways, but also very challenging.  As always the two parallels of life.  The good and the bad.  The triumphs and the failures.   The moments of love and then heartbreak. 

The biggest thing I learned from 2018 is to embrace uncertainty.  To be OK with not knowing.  To completely trust God and His plans for my life.   To fully embrace that there are no acci…

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The Man in the Arena (Getting his Ass Kicked a Little Bit)


“Get in the arena, show up, do your thing and don’t be afraid to get your ass kicked a little bit.” –Brene Brown

Do you ever have one of those days, weeks, months or even years where you just want to quit?  Where you don’t want to get in the arena anymore and keep getting your ass kicked? When you get to the point in your life where you want to say screw it and run away from reality?

I had one of those weeks not too long ago.  I wanted to quit everything.  Quit trying to grow a fitness minis…

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Change the World with Love


My heart is breaking! Sadly we live in a world where a man goes into a synagogue and randomly kills eleven people because he decides he hates Jews.

We live in a world where a doctor abuses his power and sexually abuses over one hundred women for his own pleasure.

Sadly we live in a world where there is still prejudice. Where we always think we are right and the other person is wrong and we won’t even listen to understand.

It’s easy to throw up our hands and complain and join in on all of th…

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