Faith and Fitness

How to Thrive in the Face of Fear and Self-Doubt


Fear, self-doubt and self-judgement seems to sabotage so many of us.  In whatever area we are trying to change in our lives, fear, self-doubt and self-judgement are the limiting factors that reach up and tear us down most often.  At least that is the case for me and many of the other people I talk to. 

I have recently been geeking out on some documentaries.  The latest one I have been watching is called iThrive.  It is a documentary on obesity and diabetes.  It’s a fascinating and heartbreaking…

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Nothing to Prove


“Am I now trying to win the approval of human beings, or of God?  Or am I trying to please people?  If I were trying to please people, I would not be a servant of Christ?”  Galatians 1:10

Have you ever been caught in that trap where you feel like you have to prove yourself over and over again to yourself, God and others?  It feels like my whole life I have been on that hamster wheel of proving myself by performing and proving myself. 


At the beginning of the cycling season I m…

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Three Ways to go from Surviving to Thriving


“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, I will give you rest.”  Matthew 11:28

We only have 24 hours in a day.  So much to do, but so little time.  My question to you is how efficient are you with that time?  It’s not about doing more with your time, it’s about being more effective with your time.  One of the biggest barriers and challenges I hear from my clients as a fitness professional is a lack of energy and honestly, something I struggle with from time to time.   Many of us are…

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ONE Million Starts with ONE


In this world of follows and likes on Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter, LinkedIn and however many more social media platforms we have it is so easy to get caught up in numbers.  Believe me I have fallen into that trap many times myself. 

I often times wonder what our life would be like if we went back to the days before social media.  Don’t get me wrong, I don’t think social media is all bad and I certainly use it to share my story and encourage others, but I also know it’s a source of wo…

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The Next Chapter


It has been about two years since I left the comfort and security of my six figure pharmaceutical job and moved to Colorado after living in Orlando for the last twenty years of my life.   I left behind comfort, safety and security for the great unknown.  What a faith adventure God has me on. 

I would love to tell you since moving out here it has been all sunshine and rainbows.  It hasn’t been.  There have been many ups and downs along the way.   But I wouldn’t change this adventure for anything…

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Does Life Really Have to be so Hard?



Does life really have to be so “hard?”  Does it always have to be a struggle?  It seems in my own personal and professional life I have become really good at making things hard.   I have always been hard on myself.  I have always demanded perfectionism of myself and when I don’t live up to my own expectations I beat myself up mentally and yes sometimes even physically.  Damn, that’s a hard way to live life, no pun intended. 


My dear fr…

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What if I had Gym Church when I was Twenty-One?


As I sit down to write this I want you to know I have zero regrets in my life as this is the journey that God has me on and I am learning to love and embrace my story.   There is also no sense of blame for anything that has happened in my life as I have learned that not all things are good, but all things work out for good because our God is good. 

That being said, I wonder how the trajectory of my life would have been different if someone would have started a gym church at the gym I used to go…

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From It's too Hard to Unlimited Possibilities


Our physical health is so easy to take for granted.  We have done a very poor job as a society of taking care of our health.   We have done an even worse job in the fitness industry of helping people get physically fit and healthy. 

The fitness industry has made it all about appearance.  We have made it all about weight loss, the way we look on the outside.   Most people give up on making a physical transformation after trying time and time again to get healthy and changing their body compositi…

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The Will to Push Your Limitations


Are you willing to push your limitations?  If not, why not?  What is holding you back?  One of my favorite quotes is from Henry David Thoreau, “Most men lead lives of quiet desperation and go to the grave with the song still in them.” 

I refuse to die with the music still in me.   Life is way too short not to live with passion and fire.   My dream since I was twenty three years old was to have my own fitness business.   After thirty years that dream has finally come true. 

I took that leap of …

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It’s NOT about the Fitness


It’s NOT about the Fitness

I love to work out.  It has been a big part of my life for as long as I can remember.  In elementary school starting around 5th grade I would get up two hours before I needed to be at school so I could run 5 miles before starting my school day.  

I would lace up my Converse shoes with the theme song from Rocky thumping through my brain.  I would get that runners high, even in elementary school.

Fast forward about forty years and I am still as passionate about fitnes…

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