From It's too Hard to Unlimited Possibilities
Our physical health is so easy to take for granted. We have done a very poor job as a society of taking care of our health. We have done an even worse job in the fitness industry of helping people get physically fit and healthy.
The fitness industry has made it all about appearance. We have made it all about weight loss, the way we look on the outside. Most people give up on making a physical transformation after trying time and time again to get healthy and changing their body composition.
What I have learned on my journey is that making any change in our life can be hard. The struggle is real. I don’t know one single person who has it all together physically, mentally and spiritually.
Physical Challenges Lead to a Transformed Life
Since I started my fitness ministry full time a little over a year ago, I have realized how important it is to have physical challenges in our life. I have seen in my life and in my clients life how challenging ourselves physically opens up the door to personal and spiritual growth. When we challenge ourselves physically beyond what we think we are capable of it leads to a life transformed.
The struggle is where the growth is. When we are willing to push our limitations physically, we find out who we truly are. Are we that guy that is sitting on the couch watching our life go by or are we that guy who embraces physical challenges to get mentally stronger and add depth to our spirituality?
When we go beyond the limitations we place on ourselves physically and the resistance we put up to make changes, the possibilities are endless.
Is it hard, yes! Will there be some struggle, yes! But when we accomplish something that is physically hard we feel so good about ourselves. It creates a confidence in us that we can do bigger and better things.
Stepping in to who God is Calling us to Be
The whole point of challenging ourselves physically is so we can have the inner strength and fortitude to step into who God is calling us to be. So we aren’t living lives that don’t make us feel fully alive.
One of my clients in particular who completely lost his inner warrior, both physically and mentally, has transformed his life. It all started with the physical. He is now doing things physically he never thought possible. But that’s not the point. The point is he is now living for a transcendent cause greater than himself. That is the true mark of a spiritual warrior. He is following through on dreams he has been sitting on for the past ten years.
After reclaiming his inner warrior by challenging himself physically he has found a new zeal for life. After living a life of complacency for the past ten years, he is ready to kick some ass again.
What about you? Are you ready to push yourself physically again? Are you ready to get off the couch and into the arena? Are you ready to change your mentality from it’s too hard to having a mindset that the struggle is where the growth is? When we do something that’s hard is when we find out what we are truly made of.
Have Faith in Ourselves through Faith in God
When we have faith in ourselves through faith in God is when we breakthrough our limitations. Get out of your comfort zone. Get comfortable being uncomfortable. Set a challenging fitness goal for yourself and see not only a physical transformation, but most importantly a life changing spiritual transformation. You will bust through barriers you never thought possible. Never settle for the status quo.
Troy Ismir, MS
Spiritual Warrior
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