"Take a chance. It's the best way to test yourself, have fun and push boundaries." -Richard Branson


The "Take a Chance On Yourself Blog" offers a beautiful invitation to embrace growth, courage, and transformation by breaking free from the limits we often place on ourselves. Here's a breakdown of these five key questions:

  1. What does it mean to you to take a chance on yourself?
    Taking a chance on yourself means believing in your potential and trusting that you can navigate the unknown. It's about stepping into opportunities with courage and allowing yourself the space to grow, regardless of the outcome.

  2. How have you allowed yourself to take chances in your life?
    Reflect on moments when you've taken risks in both small and large ways. These could be pivotal decisions like starting a new career, relocating to a different place, or even shifting your mindset from fear to curiosity.

  3. What resistance have you had to overcome to allow yourself to take chances?
    Resistance often comes in the form of fear, doubt, or attachment to comfort and security. Identifying these internal and external barriers can help you realize what's held you back in the past and how you can confront them moving forward.

  4. How are you currently taking a chance on yourself?
    Whether you're in the middle of a big leap or taking baby steps towards your goals, reflect on the actions you're taking right now that align with your true desires.

  5. What is the resistance or fear you are currently experiencing, or what is holding you back from taking a chance on yourself?
    This question digs into what’s currently standing in your way. Perhaps it's fear of failure, worry about judgment, or concerns about financial or emotional security. Recognizing these fears is a vital step toward breaking through them.

As you share and explore these questions with others on the blog, it will undoubtedly foster a powerful community of support. Everyone's journey looks different, but the common thread is the bravery it takes to step into the unknown for the sake of growth


Faith and Fitness

How I Practice Extreme Self-Care Physically, Mentally and Spiritually


As men we usually don’t think about nourishing our minds, bodies and souls. We are supposed to be tough and pull ourselves up by our boot straps and keep grinding day after day with little thought to our own physical, mental and spiritual well-being. We go hard non-stop with little thought to our health, fitness and vitality. After all we have a family to support, money to be made, the corporate ladder to be climbed. But at what cost? What are we modeling for our families, community and society …

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My Journey from a Personal Trainer to a Fitness Minister


I remember when I was a teenager and someone had asked me if I was going to be a pastor like my dad. I recall looking at that particular guy like he had a third eye. I politely responded no, but in my mind I was thinking that there was no way I would every pursue ministry. In fact, the last place I wanted to be on that Sunday morning was church. It was always a check the box kind of experience for me. I would have much rather been outside doing my thing. Playing sports or something at least a li…

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It's All about Radical Love


What if we were radical lovers of ourselves the way Jesus loves us? It’s really challenging to live our best life when we don’t take care of our physical health the way God wants us to. If you have tried to get healthy and lose weight time and time again without lasting results trying a different approach may be the answer. What if all the choices you made around your physical, emotional and spiritual health were made out of the context of love? How would that change your perspective and your ch…

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Creating the Habit of Greatness


Whether we want to admit it or not we are all creatures of habit. The vast majority of us do the same things day after day. We eat the same foods, we think the same thoughts, we drive to work the same way.

Creatures of Habit

Of course that is good in many ways. Thank goodness we don’t have to re-learn how to drive a car every day. We have that habit instilled in us to the point we often times drive somewhere and have no recollection of how we even got there. That’s a little scary isn’t it?


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Inner Peace...Where are You?


Why does inner peace seem so elusive? Maybe it’s just me, but it seems like I find it for a period of time and then it mysteriously slips away. And when it does slip away there is little joy in my life.

Worry and Fear Rob our Inner Peace

The two biggest robbers of our inner peace are worry and fear. I worry about trying to make everyone happy and fear rears its ugly head when I fully step into sharing my voice on my entrepreneurial adventure.

I made a commitment to myself that I would write a…

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Being Stable in an Unstable World


I have been a personal trainer for over 25 years. In the health and fitness industry that makes me kind of ancient. There aren’t too many gray hairs in the fitness industry. I have been a faith-based personal trainer for the last five years. That is when God put it on my heart to not leave the most important part out of the equation of health and fitness, Jesus.

Mobility and Stability

A big part of my personal training philosophy is based around helping my clients with mobility and stability…

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Consistency has Always been the Biblical Pattern for Success


 “Therefore, my beloved brothers, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that in the Lord your labor is not in vain.” 1 Corinthians 15:8

Everyone is our Teacher

God puts people in our lives just at the right time and brings us a message that we need to hear and learn from. Everyone that is currently in our lives and that will come into our lives is our teacher.

One of my greatest teachers and mentors has been Pastor Byron Bledsoe from C3 Church in Orlando. …

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As I sit here writing this blog post it is 4:30 in the morning. I am drinking my morning cup(s) of coffee. Liquid gold right? My Fitbit, which I have a love-hate relationship with, tells me I got five hours and fifty-seven minutes of sleep. My body tells me that isn’t enough. The bags under my eyes tells me that isn’t enough. 

I feel overdrawn on sleep this morning and quite honestly for the majority of my adult life. This is one of the challenges I am facing in my life that I so desperately wa…

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My Story


I was sitting in the audience of a national pharmaceutical sales meeting when they were handing out awards for the top sales people in the country.  As they announced all of the top award winners for the year, I could feel my level of angst go through the roof.    I had this inner turmoil of knowing that pharmaceutical sales wasn’t my gifting.  It wasn’t what God put me on this earth for. 

I had been in those top sales performers shoes before winning my share of national awards.  But at this …

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Are You Dense?


“Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in good health, just as your soul prospers.”

3 John 1:2


I think we have all heard these statistics before.   In fact we have heard them so much I think we have become numb to them because being overweight has become normal.  7 out of every 10 Americans are overweight.  4 out of every 10 Americans are obese.  1 out of every 2 Americans has some type of chronic disease such as heart disease or diabetes.  Curr…

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