Faith and Fitness

For 2018 Choose Self-Compassion not Self-Hatred


Only 17 more days until the New Year and you are ready to make this your best year ever.  You are sick and tired of being sick and tired.  You are ready to get in the best shape of your life.  But you have been down this path before.  Determined to get healthy and fit you make the same New Year’s resolution year after year, but just a few weeks into the New Year you give up on your goals and dreams of being at your ideal weight and looking fantastic. 

What is going to be different this year?  M…

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5 Ways to Honor God with Your Bod


Have you ever stopped to think about what an amazing gift our body is?  It truly is a miracle if you really stop and think about it.  God gave us this incredible body that can do mind boggling things.  But we often take this gift for granted. 

Think of your eye sight alone.  The eye consists of the retina, pupil, iris, cornea, lens and optic nerve.  It has 137 million light sensitive special cells that sends messages to the amazingly complicated brain.  About 130 million of these cells appear l…

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Body Image Gone Wrong


No one should feel less than because of the way they look.  That’s a pretty powerful statement and not one many believe as I have come to learn in my last 25 years in the fitness industry, including myself. 

Our self-worth seems to be very much tied into our body image for both men and women.  For many years that is what the fitness industry was all about and it still very much seems to be all about, the way we look.  We get wrapped up in thoughts like,  am I skinny enough?  Am I too fat?  Do I…

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Expect a Miracle


I am a very driven person.  I have always found a way to be successful in my career or in athletics.  I would push myself by learning whatever I needed to do to become successful at it.  I remember the first year I transitioned out of health and fitness full time and into pharmaceutical sales.   A decision I made that I felt was in the best interest of my young family at the time. 

The first year of pharmaceutical sales I hated it.  I didn’t want to get out of bed in the morning and face the re…

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