Faith and Fitness

Finding the Middle Ground in a Pandemic

middle ground

We are going through a really difficult time in our country and in our world right now with the Coronavirus running rampant. There are people that are panicking and ones that are choosing to stay naive and complacent.

Quite frankly, I was someone who has been more on the naive side until about two days ago. I am not one to get caught up in the media’s fear based tactics that they are so well known for.

But as this virus is infecting people and taking people’s lives, I have come to the conclusi…

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5 Practices I Implement to Stay Super Fit at 53


My mantra has always been age is just a number. I believe that with all of my heart. In fact, I believe wholeheartedly in anti-aging. I de-age myself by at least a decade, so I am actually turning forty-three on March 7th. I embrace my birthday because I know I am getting better with age physically, mentally and spiritually.

Here are my five practices I implement to be super fit at 53.


No big surprise here. What is the perfect diet you ask? I have been on them all. I have done keto,…

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My Journey to Courage


I recently ordered some business cards for my men’s fitness ministry Barbells & Brothers. For the first time I put the title Fitness Minister under my name. That is a mind-blowing shift for me to think of myself as a fitness minister rather than a personal trainer.

The Ugly Voice of Self-Doubt

I realize my work with my clients goes beyond the physical to transforming hearts and souls. I hear testimonials to confirm that, but that ugly voice of self-doubt rears its ugly head time and time again…

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Simple Faith...Simple Fitness...Simple Food


When did life get so complicated? Life used to be so much easier back in the day. What if we got back to the simplicity of life and focused on what really matters?

Simple Faith

God doesn’t want our relationship with Him to be complicated.

Simple faith means to see ourselves the way God sees us.

Simple faith means to trust God’s love and simply allow God to love us.

Simple faith means to trust in the blessings that God wants to bestow on us. Blessings that are not earned by our efforts, but …

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Who Are We Becoming


One of the most important revelations that I have had in the past year is that it’s not about the doing, it’s about who we are becoming.  I recently started an online men’s fitness ministry membership site.  I have already learned so much in the last two weeks. 

My vision when I left my position in the pharmaceutical industry was to be an online influencer for good.  Two and a half years later I am on that path of making a difference in the world both in my community and now online. 

There are…

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My One Word for 2020...COURAGE


At the beginning of this year I chose one word that I wanted to live my life by. That word was abundance. I was expecting abundance in every area of my life including financial, relational and in my fitness ministry.

I expected abundance living a life of compassion, joy and vulnerability.

The scripture I chose for this past year was John 10:10. “The thief comes only to steal, kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.”

Has 2019 worked out exactly how I wanted it …

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Identity: How to Rediscover Yourself


I Am A Football Player

I am a football player. Having that identity growing up certainly didn’t work out very well for me when I blew out my knee my sophomore year in college. My life was a mess and disaster for a couple of years after I lost my identity as a football player. I had no idea who I was, what I stood for or who I wanted to be. I was lost, depressed and full of despair.

My whole life up to that point revolved around sports and especially football. I was Troy the star football playe…

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Rise Up and Conquer


God designed men to conquer.   We need challenges in our lives.   If we don’t have challenges we get soft and bored and that is never a good combination.   Revelation 3:21 states, “The one who conquers, I will grant him to sit with me on my throne, as I also conquered and sat down with my Father on his throne.”

I believe one of the biggest battles I see men face is one of complacency.  Not living life to the full, both in our spiritual walk and our physical being.  We have gotten soft physicall…

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Why I Integrate Faith and Fitness


I absolutely love to workout. I first started lifting weights when I was fourteen years old so I could get bigger, faster and stronger for football as that was my ultimate passion. After a career ending knee injury I turned my passion for football into my passion for fitness. I discovered a love for cycling and an immense passion for strength training.

Here I am almost forty years later and my love for health and fitness is as strong as it has ever been. God wired me with this intense passion f…

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The Journey to Impacting One Million Men’s Lives Starts with One


Not that long ago I had this crazy vision that was put on my heart to impact one million men’s lives through building a tribe of Spiritual Warriors. A Spiritual Warrior is a person who is willing to go on a journey of self-growth and personal discovery for a transcendent cause greater than ourselves.

I question myself every day if I am making a difference in anybody’s life. I question whether I am being the inspired leader that God is calling me to be. Am I truly modeling what it means to embod…

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