"Take a chance. It's the best way to test yourself, have fun and push boundaries." -Richard Branson


The "Take a Chance On Yourself Blog" offers a beautiful invitation to embrace growth, courage, and transformation by breaking free from the limits we often place on ourselves. Here's a breakdown of these five key questions:

  1. What does it mean to you to take a chance on yourself?
    Taking a chance on yourself means believing in your potential and trusting that you can navigate the unknown. It's about stepping into opportunities with courage and allowing yourself the space to grow, regardless of the outcome.

  2. How have you allowed yourself to take chances in your life?
    Reflect on moments when you've taken risks in both small and large ways. These could be pivotal decisions like starting a new career, relocating to a different place, or even shifting your mindset from fear to curiosity.

  3. What resistance have you had to overcome to allow yourself to take chances?
    Resistance often comes in the form of fear, doubt, or attachment to comfort and security. Identifying these internal and external barriers can help you realize what's held you back in the past and how you can confront them moving forward.

  4. How are you currently taking a chance on yourself?
    Whether you're in the middle of a big leap or taking baby steps towards your goals, reflect on the actions you're taking right now that align with your true desires.

  5. What is the resistance or fear you are currently experiencing, or what is holding you back from taking a chance on yourself?
    This question digs into what’s currently standing in your way. Perhaps it's fear of failure, worry about judgment, or concerns about financial or emotional security. Recognizing these fears is a vital step toward breaking through them.

As you share and explore these questions with others on the blog, it will undoubtedly foster a powerful community of support. Everyone's journey looks different, but the common thread is the bravery it takes to step into the unknown for the sake of growth

3 Life Lessons from Super Bowl LIV


If you were like me you were riveted to the TV on Super Bowl Sunday, and no I am not talking about the halftime entertainment. I knew it would be an amazing game, I just didn’t think the Kansas City Chiefs had another come from behind win in them, especially playing the powerhouse San Francisco 49ers.

As I reflected back on the game, I walked away with three life lessons that I believe can apply to everyone’s life.

Life Lesson Number One: Never Give Up

Patrick Mahomes said this Super Bowl win…

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Prayer and Faith


How easy is it to slip back into our old faulty patterns? I have found myself back to trying to run my fitness ministry under my own strength. Do you know where that gets me? Exhausted, stressed out and burnt out.

I am a self-professed professional striver and perfectionist. I seem to be able to step away from those faulty patterns for a period of time, but after a while I find myself striving and being performance based. It never seems to work out.

Complete Dependence on God

How I want to li…

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What if I had Gym Church when I was Twenty-One?


As I sit down to write this I want you to know I have zero regrets in my life as this is the journey that God has me on and I am learning to love and embrace my story.   There is also no sense of blame for anything that has happened in my life as I have learned that not all things are good, but all things work out for good because our God is good. 

That being said, I wonder how the trajectory of my life would have been different if someone would have started a gym church at the gym I used to go…

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Creating the Habit of Greatness


Whether we want to admit it or not we are all creatures of habit.   The vast majority of us do the same things day after day.  We eat the same foods, we think the same thoughts, we drive to work the same way.

Of course that is good in many ways.  Thank goodness we don’t have to re-learn how to drive a car every day.  We have that habit instilled in us to the point we often times drive somewhere and have no recollection of how we even got there.  That’s a little scary isn’t it?

Case in point wh…

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Increase Your Energy and Change the World


Increase Your Energy and Change the World

“In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in Heaven.”  Matthew 5:16

One thing I have struggled with over the years is having an abundance of energy.  Often times I don’t wake up feeling refreshed after a night’s sleep or I feel sluggish throughout the day.  This is one thing I have been really working hard on over the past several months. 

I have come to the realization that my slug…

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Take a Leap of Faith


Take a Leap of Faith

Mark 11:24 “Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.”

One thing I have been guilty in my prayer life is praying for something, but having doubt that God will answer my prayer.  My mind and heart have been out of alignment.   I have been out of coherence.  Thinking one thing and feeling another, or another words, doubting God’s promises. 

Gratitude is such a powerful emotion.   Gratitude is coming from…

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Change the World with Love


My heart is breaking! Sadly we live in a world where a man goes into a synagogue and randomly kills eleven people because he decides he hates Jews.

We live in a world where a doctor abuses his power and sexually abuses over one hundred women for his own pleasure.

Sadly we live in a world where there is still prejudice. Where we always think we are right and the other person is wrong and we won’t even listen to understand.

It’s easy to throw up our hands and complain and join in on all of th…

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A Square Peg in a Round Hole


For seventeen years of my working career I felt like a square peg trying to fit into a round hole.  It just didn’t fit.  I often times remembered that sense of dread when Sunday evening came around because I knew that it was almost time to start my work week.  Can you relate to that?  Dread is a horrible feeling.  One that will suck our soul dry. 


The reason I got into the pharmaceutical industry was that I wanted to spend more time with my kids.  Before getting into the pharma indus…

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Being Battle Tested


How does God bring out the warrior in a man?  It’s typically through hardship, trials and tribulation.  James 1:2-4 says, “Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance.  Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.”  

I know for me my spiritual growth has come through my hardships.   A divorce about seven years ago put me through my gr…

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Do You Have Faith in Yourself?


Do you have faith in yourself?  This is a question I have been wrestling with over the last several days, well actually the last 30 years, I just didn’t know it.   Let me explain.  I have been digging deep into my work lately with my business and life coach, Kim Dawson.  I have a fitness ministry that is geared towards men.   Doing the work and learning my voice in this space means asking myself some hard questions.  I have really had to take a hard look in the mirror and do some self-discovery.…

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