Creating the Habit of Greatness
Whether we want to admit it or not we are all creatures of habit. The vast majority of us do the same things day after day. We eat the same foods, we think the same thoughts, we drive to work the same way.
Of course that is good in many ways. Thank goodness we don’t have to re-learn how to drive a car every day. We have that habit instilled in us to the point we often times drive somewhere and have no recollection of how we even got there. That’s a little scary isn’t it?
Case in point when I was living in Orlando I had moved to a new house and had been living there for over a month. I completely went on auto-pilot when I realized I was driving to my old home. I had developed the habit of driving to my old home and completely forgot I had moved.
But the problem really lies in our habit of thinking. We have created these destructive thinking habits that have become hard-wired into our subconscious mind. Thoughts of fear, lack, being the victim, anger, pride, suffering, shame, guilt and the list of negative emotions goes on and on.
I realized not that long ago that I was living my life from a place of destructive emotions. Who wants to follow a leader that isn’t living from a place of joy, love and happiness? It hit me right between the eyes.
Since that time I have been working really hard on creating the habit of greatness, the habit of joy. But the ultimate habit I am working on is creating the habit of expressing God through me. I certainly can’t do that when I am living in a place of destructive habits and thoughts.
Since we are hard-wired to create habits, why not create habits that are positive and healthy? Why not create habits thing bring us to a place of joy, peace, freedom, love and happiness.
Once I realized that I am my own worst enemy and started to get out of my own way, the world is responding to me in a much different way. God is opening up doors for me that have been amazing. God is working in me and through me in a way I never thought possible.
The hardest thing to do is to remove the limits we put on ourselves and the limits we put on God. We have developed habits that limit our true greatness.
How do we go about creating the habit of greatness? It doesn’t happen by accident. It takes training our mind daily. It takes being intentional about what we think about.
To be more like Christ, we must train ourselves to think like Christ. One way of doing that is through spending time meditating. Asking God to work in us and through us. Asking God to change our destructive thinking habits to thinking habits that lead to greatness. Being still and letting God work in our hearts.
Another way to change our way of thinking is by what we allow into our minds. How much time are we spending reading the Bible, praying, spending time with other godly people, reading inspirational books and listening to podcasts?
I refuse to start my day watching the news or reading the newspaper. I will skim the paper later in the day just so I am up on current events, but my morning time is spent studying the word of God, journaling, praying, meditating and setting my intention for the day.
I don’t care how early I have to get up. Recently it has been as early as 3:45. To me it’s worth it as I am working on cultivating the habit of greatness. Unless I believe I am great, no one else will either. Not out of pride, but from a place of being a son of God. He created me for greatness and being anything less than great isn’t truly expressing God through me.
I want to encourage you to start to instill habits of greatness into your life. Start to think differently and you will start to see amazing things happen around you. We change the world by first changing ourselves. I pray that God continues to work in you and through you for His glory.
Troy Ismir, MS
Spiritual Warrior
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