Increase Your Energy and Change the World


Increase Your Energy and Change the World

“In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in Heaven.”  Matthew 5:16

One thing I have struggled with over the years is having an abundance of energy.  Often times I don’t wake up feeling refreshed after a night’s sleep or I feel sluggish throughout the day.  This is one thing I have been really working hard on over the past several months. 

I have come to the realization that my sluggish energy levels has a lot to do with my internal state of being.  I have been engrossed in the work of Dr. Joe Dispenza and Dr. Caroline Leaf over the past six months.  I highly recommend their booksBreaking the Habit of Being Yourself by Dr. Joe Dispenza and “Switch on Your Brain by Dr. Caroline Leaf.  

One of the biggest take-aways from Dr. Joe Dispenza’s work is the only way to change our lives is to change our energy.  To improve our energy we have to change our internal state of being.  We do this by changing how we think and feel.   According Dr. Joe Dispenza and his research on brain waves and energy there is a continuum of emotions ranging from the lowest energy levels up to the highest. 

This is what that continuum looks like from low, negative energy all the way to high, life giving energy:

·         Lust

·         Pain

·         Victimization

·         Suffering

·         Guilt

·         Fear

·         Anger

·         Control

·         Power

·         Will

·         Gratitude

·         Appreciation

·         Joy

·         Love

·         Freedom

·         Bliss

·         Wholeness

Being in a state of wholeness is the ultimate state of being.  We are at the highest energy level we can possibly be at when we have that sense of wholeness.   We feel so complete that we feel like we have everything.  The more whole we feel the less lack we experience.  The more whole we feel the more connected we are to everyone else.   What a powerful emotion. 

Since starting my journey towards improving my energy and coming from a place of wholeness I have been meditating every day.  During my meditation I am intentional in cultivating the positive emotions of gratitude, appreciation, joy, love, freedom, bliss and wholeness.  I get up from my meditation completely different from when I sat down.  My goal is to carry that feeling with me throughout my day. 

The only way we can change our world is by changing ourselves and that is never going to happen if we are mired in negative emotions.  It sucks the joy right out of us. 

One of my favorite scriptures is Matthew 5:16. “In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in Heaven.”  The only way we can be the light is by raising our energy and coming from a place of joy, love and wholeness.

If you are stuck in negative emotions, I would encourage you to read both of the previous books I mentioned and start to implement some of the strategies recommended in the books.  It all starts with changing our internal state of being by changing what we focus on.  We can focus on being a victim, living in guilt and shame or we can focus on love, gratitude and appreciation.

You will be amazed on how you will have an abundance of energy when you start to change the way you think.  When you become the source of light instead of living in darkness.   When you increase your energy that is when your world and the world around you will start to change for the better.  Be the light!

Troy Ismir, MS

Spiritual Warrior Coach


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