Men's Spirituality

My Unique Creative Expression of Self

My Unique Creative Expression of Self

“Put everything away except your pencils.” That is the directive from my fifth grade teacher, Mrs. Carlson, signaling it is creative writing time.

A collective groan comes over the class.

Desperately wanting to fit in and be part of the crowd, as I was so good at back then and still have moments of wanting to fit in, I moaned and groaned along with them, but secretly my insides were doing a happy dance.

Expressing My Creative Side Without Shame

As Mrs. Carlson put the creative writing prompt…

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Chasing God Trying to be Better Men


As we were having our Spiritual Warriors Unite men’s gathering last month one of the guys said something simple, but yet profound. I am not even sure if he was aware of what he said. 

“All we are is a bunch of guys chasing God trying to be better men.”

Sometimes I am not sure if we are chasing God or if He is chasing us. In my own personal journey I believe God has always been there, I just made a choice not to pursue him, which led to a lot of emptiness and unfulfillment.

I believe deep down…

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Identity: How to Rediscover Yourself


I Am A Football Player

I am a football player. Having that identity growing up certainly didn’t work out very well for me when I blew out my knee my sophomore year in college. My life was a mess and disaster for a couple of years after I lost my identity as a football player. I had no idea who I was, what I stood for or who I wanted to be. I was lost, depressed and full of despair.

My whole life up to that point revolved around sports and especially football. I was Troy the star football playe…

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Rise Up and Conquer


God designed men to conquer.   We need challenges in our lives.   If we don’t have challenges we get soft and bored and that is never a good combination.   Revelation 3:21 states, “The one who conquers, I will grant him to sit with me on my throne, as I also conquered and sat down with my Father on his throne.”

I believe one of the biggest battles I see men face is one of complacency.  Not living life to the full, both in our spiritual walk and our physical being.  We have gotten soft physicall…

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The Journey to Impacting One Million Men’s Lives Starts with One


Not that long ago I had this crazy vision that was put on my heart to impact one million men’s lives through building a tribe of Spiritual Warriors. A Spiritual Warrior is a person who is willing to go on a journey of self-growth and personal discovery for a transcendent cause greater than ourselves.

I question myself every day if I am making a difference in anybody’s life. I question whether I am being the inspired leader that God is calling me to be. Am I truly modeling what it means to embod…

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What is Your Possibility?


“For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a good future.” Jeremiah 29:11


I am a dreamer.  It’s part of the fabric of my being.  One of my dreams as a kid was to play football professionally for the Minnesota Vikings.  I was on that path until a devastating knee injury in college changed the course of my entire life.  

That unrealized dream has lead me to dream even bigger dreams.  Dreams tha…

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