No Limits

“Doing things that you don’t think you can do or you don’t want to do change the way you see yourself and others. It is a spiritual journey. And what a journey it is.” -Daniel Weiner

That’s a quote from one of my clients, Daniel Weiner, who set a big hairy audacious goal of completing his first marathon. He crushed his goal the other day with a sub-four hour marathon. It was what he called a silent marathon. It wasn’t part of an event. There was no pomp and circumstance, it was just him, a buddy for support and me as his coach and friend.

Set a Goal that Excites and Scares You

The purpose behind this goal for Daniel was to push his limits. To see what he was capable of. To do something that excited and scared him at the same time.

He wanted to recapture that feeling of athleticism, warrior spirit and strength of his youth. He was determined to lean into his edge and live the life of adventure we all so desperately crave.

So many men are successful in life and are high performers, yet we feel like something is missing. We are tolerating life and living in quiet desperation. Boredom is a dangerous place for a man. It is our enemy. Life has a way of taking our sense of adventure away.

Take a Chance on Ourselves

The only way to overcome this feeling of boredom and loss of adventure is to take a chance on ourselves like Daniel did.

I am a big believer in setting big hairy audacious goals. It gives us something to train for. It gives us a reason to push our limits physically, mentally and spiritually.

As Daniel said, it’s about changing the way we see ourselves and others. It’s a pretty amazing accomplishment to complete a marathon, but that’s not really the point. It’s the transformation that we go through in the process. It’s about changing the way we see ourselves.

It’s about experiencing the struggle, pushing through and persevering and recognizing we are capable of so much more than we think we are. A big hairy audacious goal is a spring board for doing just that.

I have had clients set big hairy audacious goals such as climbing a 14er, doing the Murph Challenge, losing 100 pounds, completing a ½ marathon and doing a Spartan Race. The sky is the limit.

No Limitations

You are capable of doing things you never thought possible. You have powers you never dreamed of. There are no limitations on what you can do.

Are you ready to begin your journey of reclaiming your inner warrior?

Do you have an inspiring dream you want to achieve? Then get after it.

Do you have a desire to make a big impact in the world? Then take a step towards it.

Do you want to get out of your comfort zone, face fear and take action? Then set a big hairy audacious goal.

Do you crave adventure and are willing take risks on your journey? Then don’t hesitate, make it happen.

Are you 100% committed? This doesn’t just happen on its own. It takes hard work, commitment, perseverance and struggle.

I want to challenge you to get out of your comfort zone, set a big hairy audacious physical adventure or fitness goal. You will be challenged to push your limits physically, mentally and spiritually. Your goal will excite and scare you, and you will have serious doubts whether or not you can accomplish it.

Whatever you do, don’t go on this journey alone. Daniel had the support of his wife, his daughter, his best friend and me as his coach. That’s the best part of all this. Doing this as a community as part of a tribe of spiritual warriors.

Daniel, you are a “Spiritual Warrior.”

Troy Ismir, MS

Spiritual Warrior Coach

Founder and Creator of Barbells & Brothers


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