3 Tips to Get in the Best Shape of Your Life and Stay There


It is significantly more challenging to get in shape than it is to stay there. In fact yo-yo dieting can be one of the hardest things on your body and your metabolism. I tell my clients work hard to get in the best shape of your life and then do what it takes to stay there. Maintenance of your fitness is much easier than the road getting there.

My challenge to you today is to decide to get in the best shape of your life no matter if you are 20 or 80 years old. Every great accomplishment starts with a simple decision. Decide today, right now, that you are sick and tired of being sick and tired and want to get in the best shape of your life.

Follow these 3 life changing strategies to get in to the best shape of your life and stay there.

Strategy #1: Sustained Long-term Effort:   It is important to recognize that getting to your goal is only half the battle. Two characteristics of people that maintain their behavior change over the long term are patience and persistence. The race isn’t always won by the fastest runner, but is often won by the person who keeps on running no matter what. It is important to recognize that there is no quick fix to making lasting lifestyle change and changing from a short term perspective to a long term perspective can help you transform your life.

Strategy #2: Create Positive Alternative Behaviors: In order to overcome your old habits, it is important that you find healthy alternatives to replace unhealthy habits. For example, you are used to having that afternoon snack of a Snickers bar when the energy starts to run a little low and your body is craving that sugar rush. You have decided to give up your refined sugars for your health, so instead you pack a healthy snack of strawberries and carrots. While this may take a little getting used to, your body will adjust in a short period of time and will learn to appreciate the taste of your new healthy alternative.

Strategy #3: Environmental Control: Rule number one of nutrition is if it is in your house you will eat it. What you have in your surroundings has a huge impact on the decisions you make. Having control over your environment isn’t a sign of weakness, but instead it is a sign of someone who is determined, smart and in control. Try a kitchen makeover to take control of your environment.

Follow these three life changing strategies to get in the best shape of your life and stay there. As a nutrition coach and weight loss expert I can help you transform your body so you can be better in every way. Would it be worth 15 minutes of your time to chat on the phone with me to learn how you can transform your body so you can be better in every way?  

Troy Ismir, MS
Fitness and Nutrition Coach


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