Soul on Fire


How different would our life be if we did what made us feel truly alive?  How different would our world be if we were all living out our true purpose?

I would venture to guess most of us aren’t functioning in life with our soul on fire.  We are bored, complacent and I would guess maybe even a little angry.  When we aren’t fulfilled it is easy for anger to set in.  Believe me, I get it, as I have experienced all of those emotions. 

When I share my faith journey I often get the comment of how inspiring it is.  I quit a lucrative industry of pharmaceutical sales to pursue my purpose of starting a fitness ministry in a new city.  My hope is that it inspires you to do what makes you feel fully alive.  To pursue your purpose in life so you can have that feeling of your soul on fire. 


When I work with men in my fitness ministry one of the ways I help them get their passion back is I challenge them to set a BHAG or big hairy audacious goal as coined by Jim Collins.    This BHAG is centered on a physical fitness or physical adventure goal.  I ask them to choose a goal that scares them and excites them at the same time.

It isn’t about accomplishing the physical adventure or goal.  It’s what comes with the accomplishment.  It’s mainly about regaining our self-esteem and confidence. 

As men, we often times get beat up in this world.  We let the world take our power away or more than likely we give our power away.  Along with giving our power away our self-esteem goes out the window.   


We end up lost,  in isolation and living in quiet desperation.  Our world needs men to step up in a big way.  As a Spiritual Warrior Coach I am asking men to step out of their comfort zone physically so they can be at their best mentally, emotionally and spiritually so we can be the leaders we are called to be. 

My mission is to build a social movement of men, who are reclaiming their inner warrior, through fitness challenges and physical adventure, for the betterment of humanity. 


We are wired for physical adventure, not sitting on the couch living our lives out vicariously through other men playing sports.  Not that there is anything wrong with watching sports, but when we deny ourselves our own adventure and feeling of being fully alive is when we run into trouble. 

I want to challenge you to come up with your own BHAG pertaining to physical fitness and adventure.  What would that be for you?  What would challenge you and make you lean into your edge?  My BHAG for the summer was a series of bicycle adventures which culminated in a 120 mile bike ride over three daunting mountain passes.  I was out of my comfort zone, but also living life to the full. 

You will be amazed how working towards a challenging physical goal will impact every area of your life.  Don’t go on this adventure alone.    I help men get into peak physical condition, develop mental toughness and grow spiritually.   If you are struggling with purpose and don’t feel truly alive please contact me at to explore the possibilities of living a life that makes you feel fully alive by living a life of adventure. 

Troy Ismir, MS

Spiritual Warrior Coach


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