

The pain of feeling misunderstood.

Why don’t you get me?

Maybe a better question to ask is why don’t I get myself?

I have been trying to get people to understand me my whole life.

To accept me for who I am.

I have tried to fit in so I feel understood.

I have sacrificed who I am.

I haven’t been true to my soul.

The truth is I haven’t understood myself.

I haven’t accepted who I am.

I have sacrificed myself to try to fit in with the crowd.

It hasn’t felt safe to be me.

I feel trapped and powerless when I try to conform to how the world wants me to be.

I give my power away when I deny who I am.

It’s OK to be quiet.

It’s OK to be an introvert.

It’s OK to love to be alone.

It’s OK to appreciate one-on-one meaningful conversation in a quiet setting and not loud parties.

It’s OK to be highly sensitive.

I realize now that the only thing that matters is that I understand myself.

To have radical self-acceptance.

I am at peace with who I am.

I am at peace with life.

You don’t have to get me.

I would like it if you accepted me for who I am.

But I will be alright if you don’t.

It’s not alright if I don’t accept myself.

There is a problem if I don’t understand myself.

It’s futile to get people to understand me.

It’s exhausting.

Shift from feeling powerless to being radically free.

I get to be me.

I embrace being misunderstood.

I am inspired to be me more than ever.

This is a stepping stone of letting go of caring of what others think of me.

I commit to seeing myself through no matter what.

I commit to a deeper understanding of myself.

I commit to Self-knowing.

I commit to loving myself unconditionally.

I commit to embracing myself as a misfit.

I commit to understanding myself letting go of feeling misunderstood.

I am safe.

I am at peace.

I am at peace with life.


All of my needs are met.

I understand myself.

Troy Ismir

I envision a world where we treat each other as equally priceless where everyone gets to express their own unique creative energy, being outstanding, not being shamed for being true to our courageous soul bringing our passion and deep inner peace to the world.

Courageous Soul Guide

Men of Courageous Souls



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