Very different.
Not better.
Just different.
99.5% different.
It’s just a statistic, but it’s important to me.
It’s a deep understanding of who I am.
It’s been a journey of radical Self-acceptance.
INFJ Myers Briggs Personality Type.
Introverted, so introverted.
Almost off the charts introverted.
Highly Sensitive Person.
My body processes dopamine differently.
That’s it.
My nervous system is highly reactive.
Loud noises create chaos in my system.
Violent images stay with me for days.
No MMA for me.
Give me a “chick flick” please.
I can go days without talking.
Silent retreats are my home.
I can meditate for hours.
That makes me happy.
And often misunderstood.
I love people.
I really do.
Just in small doses.
I love being alone.
I also love feeling connected.
A paradox.
I am a walking, living and breathing paradox.
Life is kind of a paradox.
The point is,
Radical Self-acceptance.
You get to be you.
I get to be me.
I accept you.
Will you accept me?
Nothing personal if I don’t want to hang out with you.
Sometimes I just love to hang out with my imagination.
My Creator.
We are all on our own journey.
We are all unique.
The key for me is acceptance.
I get to be .05%.
That means I get to be me, even if I am different than 99.5%
I have tried to fit in.
I have tried to be extroverted.
It took a lot of alcohol for me to do it.
In fact it almost took me out trying to fit in.
I choose to be content being .05%.
I choose to not drink much.
I choose to eat only plants.
I choose to write poetry or prose, whatever you want to call this.
I choose to not do the status quo.
That works for me.
What works for you?
No judgment.
Just acceptance.
I love my .05%.
I am learning to be OK if the 99.5% doesn’t understand me.
It would be cool if you accepted me.
But the main thing is that I accept myself.
Then all is right with the world.
Radical Self-acceptance.
Maybe Vincent van Gogh wouldn’t have cut his ear off if he had radical Self-acceptance.
I bet he was a .05 percenter.
To all of my fellow .05 percenters.
Be you.
Embrace who you are.
Love that you are different.
You are not alone.
There are other .05 percenters out here.
Don’t cut off your ear.
Just be you without apology.
And to the other 99.5%,
You be you too.
Let’s all embrace the paradox of life.
Let’s embrace that we are all different and yet unified in Oneness.
Unique, energetic expressions of the One.
Radical Self-acceptance leads to other-acceptance.
I think they call that world peace.
Troy Ismir
I envision a world where we treat each other as equally priceless where everyone gets to express their own unique creative energy, being outstanding, not being shamed for being true to our courageous soul bringing our passion and deep inner peace to the world.
Courageous Soul Guide
Men of Courageous Souls
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